Sunday, July 28, 2019

Hypo-kinetic diseases and physical activity Essay

Hypo-kinetic diseases and physical activity - Essay Example 2014). Apart from genetics, excess weight in young children results from overeating of unhealthy junk, oily and sugary foods combined with under-exercise which leads to fat accumulation below body tissues (Erlichman, al, 2002).To some children, overeating has been associated with esteem issues. Hypo-kinetic diseases cause adverse health issues like cardiovascular disease and type 2diabetes which are highly linked to increased rates of morbidity and mortality. As such, obesity in young children needs to be handled before they can be transferred into adulthood. To reduce obesity and overweight issues in children, in addition to a healthy lifestyle, children should be engaged in physical activity and cardio-respiratory fitness (Hills, A. P.2013). However, physical exercise should be regulated to avoid accidents. Over-exercise in young women combined with prolonged starvation can cause brittle bones which fracture leading to skeletal risk. Some symptoms of over-exercise could includ e; missing or irregular menstrual cycle, extreme thinness, extreme weight loss and loss of appetite among such behaviors. Such signs should be adequately treated by consuming enough calories to sustain the level of physical activity and also moderating the level of exercise to match the age, energy consumption and sex (NIH,

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